
The cherry blossom front  -桜前線-

It is time for the cherry blossoms to bloom! It informs us spring. Did the cherry blossoms in your areas bloom? The Cherry blossoms at Tokyo are already falling.

あなたの地域の桜はもう咲きましたか? 東京の桜は早くも風で散っています。(´_`。)

The cherry blossom is a familiar flower in Japan since old time. So we have a good system to know when the cherry blossoms bloom. It is a “cherry blossom front (sakura zensen).”


The word was made by news agencies (or Mass media), and it is lines connecting the anticipated date of blooming of cherry blossoms (especially Yoshino cherry tree or Prunus yedoensis) in Japan. The word was used since 1967.

「桜前線」という言葉はマスメディアによる造語で、日本各地の桜(主にソメイヨシノ)の開花予想日を結んだ線のことです。1967年頃から用いられているそうです。(参考: wikipedia)

The blooming of cherry blossoms proceeds from south to north, from a low altitude to high altitude, so the cherry blossom fronts are made like the figure below.


                                                                                                                Weather Map )

By the way, the blooming of cherry blossoms of this year in Japan are earlier from 4 to 7 days than average year.


In this term, announcement of the cherry blossom fronts broadcasts on Japanese weather corner of TV and newspapers. If you have a chance to look them, check it out!


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